Project 33 Cadets

>> Friday, February 26, 2010

Project 33 is putting together groups similar to scouting for the volunteers and their kids called Project 33 Cadets! They will be known as Pixies (girls) and Platoon 33 (boys). It is the goal of the groups to foster family bonding, leadership, teamwork, friendship, charity, and fun in our kids. Each year the kids will work on nine themes, which are Self, Family, Community, Charity, Science, The Arts, Animals, Nature, and World Culture. Each year we will be earning something new. For example, our first year the Pixies will be earning charms for a charm bracelet, with each charm representing one of our nine themes. We will be doing tours, having speakers, and taking trips! Each month’s theme will include one meeting (at Nancy Gomes) and one trip, tour, or outing. We will have a yearly campout, family skate night, and other fun special events! We will also be making this a parent-child group (or another adult family member) where the kids will do things as a team with their adult family member. It will be required to have an adult family member with the kids at all times for liability reasons. Those with more than one child in the program may have one parent to two children, for example.   We are looking for someone to lead the boys' group, so let us know if you are interested!

If you are interested in joining the Project 33 Cadets, please e-mail us at   Also, we have a blog for Pixies up with more info at  We need to have a list of kids participating by mid-March.   Hope you can be a part of this!


Rummage Sale

Store Safe Storage on N. Virginia, has donated a huge storage unit to Project 33 for us to store our Rummage Sale "stuff" for this years first rummage sale. Proceeds from this Rummage Sale will be divided, with 70% going to the American Cancer Society via our Relay for Life Team and  the other 30% to the Kids Clothing Closet. If you have any "stuff" you'd like to donate, you can call 775-848-1016 where a volunteer from Project 33 is always available to pick up donations at your convenience. The Rummage Sale isn't until May 15th, so you have plenty of time to clean out those garages and closets.

Thanks to Store Safe for their generous donation.  You can find out more about their storage units at their website:


One month to fill the closet!!

>> Thursday, February 18, 2010

Project 33 volunteers are working hard to collect enough clothing for our first distribution date on March 20th. Currently, we have 22 large bins full of clothing, but still need boy/girl sizes 8-12, infant 0-24m, girls 2t and 3t, and children’s shoes of all sizes. We will, however, gladly take any and all donations!

Donations can be dropped off at Nevada Rubber Stamps at 1030 Matley Lane Reno, NV; A and L Laminating @ 1360 Greg Street Sparks, NV; and the YMCA in Cold Springs. You can also call 775-848-1016 where a volunteer from Project 33 is always available to pick up donations at your convenience.

Volunteer Opportunities

If you are interested in being a volunteer we have 3 days available in the next month. Please choose which you would like to help at and e-mail your choices:

Sort and Fold Day:
March 3rd

Day Before Delivery
March 19th

Delivery Day
March 20th, 2010

Just send us an email if you would like to volunteer!


Organization Day!

>> Wednesday, February 17, 2010

A very dedicated group of volunteers came to the Kersch garage to go through and sort the many generous donations of kids' clothing.  First we divided the clothing on two tables by boy or girl:

Next we divided the clothing into piles based on size and put these into donated bins:

Afterwards we stacked all the bins in the garage, which are now ready to be sorted by season and passed out to the children who greatly need them.

Thanks to all the wonderful volunteers who are really making Project 33 a success!


Kids' Clothing Closet - Organization Day

>> Saturday, February 13, 2010

If you are available, please join us February 17th from 12:30-3:00 at the Kersch garage to sort and fold clothing and get us a little more organized. 
We are also in need of Sterilite 90-Quart Storage bins. If you have some or are willing to buy a couple to donate, please bring them at this time.  We look forward to seeing you here!


First Delivery Day for Kids Closet

>> Friday, February 12, 2010

Volunteers, mark your calenders for March 20th!  This will be the first delivery date for our Kids Clothing Closet!  Please contact us if you would like to volunteer or donate clothing by clicking on our email address to the right.  More details to come!


Project 33's Kids Clothing Closet

>> Thursday, February 11, 2010

We are very excited to have our blog up and running!  Here we will post upcoming Project 33 events, news, and share our completed projects and pictures.

A huge project we are working on is a Kids Clothing Closet.  We are collecting gently used or new clothing, sizes 0 months to 12 years. Our plan is to collect as much as we can and then give them away for free to homeless children. We will be a mobile distribution (similar to the mobile pantry from the Food Bank) and will deliver clothing 4-6 times a year. Especially at seasons' change and the beginning of school years.

For more information on how to donate or where/when distribution will take place, please contact us at 775-848-1016 or e-mail to