Change Our World, Explore Our World

>> Monday, December 20, 2010

Project 33 and Cadets is growing by leaps and bounds!  It is so exciting to see how many people there are who want to make a difference in the lives of others! And sharing it with our kids makes it even better!  In order to make Cadets more flexible, we've decided to make some changes in order to allow more families into the fold!

We are doing away with monthly meetings and instead will be creating "Change Our World" (or C.O.W.)charitable events and outings.  Each month a family will be in charge of arranging these events or outings, which can be anything from visiting a shelter to putting together care packages for the troops.  The Greene family has arrange our first outing: a trip to the Reno Ronald McDonald house where our Cadet families will take baked goods for the residents and get a tour of the facilities.

We will still be doing monthly themed outings in order to expose our Cadets to the world and all the fascinating things in it.  These are our "Explore Our World" (or E.O.W.) outings.  We will visit museums, various religious organizations, find out about different branches of science, genres of art, and so much more!  There will be a monthly newsletter to go with our theme where the Cadets can go to different websites to play games or print out coloring pages based on our theme!

We are very excited about these change and we hope that they will help Project 33 and Cadets reach more people who want to make a difference for others and our world!