33 Acts of Kindness
>> Monday, December 20, 2010
Project 33 is coming into it's third year of service and in honor of this milestone, we are challenging all of our loyal volunteers and new friends to complete 33 acts of kindness on your own this year. This might include a day serving food to the homeless, taking a shelter animal for a walk, or just buying coffee for the person in line behind you. The best part, you don't even have to be in Reno to participate in this event. You can give back any where you are.
You will find a discussion post on the Project 33 Group Page. This discussion post will be a place for you to record your acts of kindness, keeping track of how many you do and also sharing ideas so we can all join in with new things we may not have thought of before. In addition to logging your hours here, post on your facebook page and/or the Project 33 Group page what you did and how others can do it too.
You are welcomed to wear your Project 33 shirt, if you have them, to these individual events and represent our amazing group, encouraging others to join in.
Lets make 2011 about planting the seed of giving in more people through our own individual good deeds. Read more...