Rummage Sale

>> Friday, February 26, 2010

Store Safe Storage on N. Virginia, has donated a huge storage unit to Project 33 for us to store our Rummage Sale "stuff" for this years first rummage sale. Proceeds from this Rummage Sale will be divided, with 70% going to the American Cancer Society via our Relay for Life Team and  the other 30% to the Kids Clothing Closet. If you have any "stuff" you'd like to donate, you can call 775-848-1016 where a volunteer from Project 33 is always available to pick up donations at your convenience. The Rummage Sale isn't until May 15th, so you have plenty of time to clean out those garages and closets.

Thanks to Store Safe for their generous donation.  You can find out more about their storage units at their website: